Wednesday, May 13, 2015


We've been in the new house for about two weeks now. Each day we chip away at our massive to-do list and the accomplishments are satisfying. Having lived in apartments for so many years, we had a lot to learn about home improvement and anything handy. Lucky for us, YouTube has videos for everything!

The nursery (also my office) is next on the list. But first, to finish the kitchen. We've painted the walls, refinished the cabinets in white, replaced the countertops, sink and faucet. This week we have someone removing the old linoleum and putting in tile. Our refrigerator is in the hallway, the stove in the foyer, and everything else moved to a safe height away from the construction. The tile is set and as soon as they finish the grout and move appliances back in, we can resume a normal life. I can't wait to cook again.

Eventually we'll add a tile backsplash and consider the work complete, but for now, we're so pleased with how things look. I don't know if this is the "nesting" that occurs before a baby comes, but when we bring home our baby girl around August 1st, we want the house to be in good shape. Not just for us and for her, but for our guests who will be stopping by to meet our baby. :)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful kitchen and you'll be bathing your baby girl in that little sink before you know it!
